hello! this is a little post-it-note!

you can write whatever you want here!

my ordinary life

Here's a box with some more space, maybe for a title? Or blinkies? I think blinkies :) Lalalalala.


the internet is huge and unloving. in some weird twist of fate i have become semi-spiritual in a way unique to my own and i want to use this as a diary. basically. whatever. mentally ill ramblings of a crazed man.


hi, long time no see :3 i've been busy. since i last wrote here i started smoking weed a Leetle bit🤏 and became obsessed with houseplants. adrian came to stay and left today :( so thats really sad. when he was here this time we got to bond a lot more than last times, i mean we kinda had to considering that we didn't have dad to hang out with, hahahaaa.. it was nice and we hung out after i worked 22 hours in a row and we got robertos and it was honestly, life changing. i love u bean and cheese burrito with sour cream... ive gotten a new job and worked a lott at my older one. ive spiralled and grown backup and i'm (slightly) better for it, i guess!


HI DIARY (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧ since i last updated here i have actually started working at the y and finished my shadowing there so i Shuld be starting soon with my own kids which is Kindof CRAZY?!? i got a new phone, a google pixel 7a and it works so much better than my old one oh my GOD?! the camera is a huge improvement as well from my old phone plus i'm proud of earning enough money to buy a new phone + computer?!!💪

sorry to bury the lead but (!) i saw BE YOUR OWN PET in concert and got a setlist signed by half the members of the band WHAAAAAAAAATT

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the opening act was this band called "birthday girl" which were pretty fucking rad too, during a song she run her hands through my hair and shake my head eheheh... ofc they ask if it's anyone's birthday and it turns out that at midnight it was gonna be this girl named sasha's birthday so they had us sing happy birthday to her and buy her a shot LOL, which one lady actually did buy her one! their performance was honestly amazing they had a violin in the band which was really fun too. then byop went on!!!! really amazing live, jemima talking about someone writing a review of the song hand grenade saying it had no emotion WHAT?!? i was able to even join in and mosh a little while keeping my spot at the veeerry front (⸝⸝ᵕᴗᵕ⸝⸝) at the end of both acts i was the first one to skitter over to the merch table and ended up buying two pins that said BE YOUR OWN PET RUINED MY LIFE! and a screenprinted shirt that had a padlock on it with the band name

i asked to take a pic of the poster promoting the show and the guy who worked at soda bar (the venue) was like tchh.. you can just have it .. shows over and i was like OMGOMGOMG THANK YOU!!!!! i ended up getting the setlist signed by jemima pearl and the guitarist jonas stein, and the poster by them and nathan vasquez the bassist...now im just missing the drummer

hmm, what else have i been up to... Oh! i've been working more on the baby blanket and it's coming along swimmingly 𓆝 ⋆。𖦹°‧🫧 if all goes as planned i Shuld be finished with it in time for the party :3 im really excited to be able to meet the little one! i think i'll get his mama something nice from lush or something too ... a first birthday party is more for the mama than the baby, anyway.


Goot MORNING i woke up today feeling a bit productive, i did a water change for my fishies then made a nice breakfast of potato and chorizo with some bell pepper onions and avocado top with some cheese, crema + cholula for me and my mom!! i think i will do some laundry and shower before work. Yesterday was my first day in charge of a group of kids at my new job!! It went... okay, i think! a little bit of a struggle but im confident i will get the hang of it within the first few weeks (b ᵔ▽ᵔ)b

im seeing anamanaguchi on friday for their scott pilgrim takes off show!! me and e are gonna go together so i'm Sooo super HYPEDD to see them :33


fuck my stupid baka life....I GOT SICK and i had to miss the concert... and i missed work for no damn reason (well. i guess because i was sick..)

at work today one of hte kids asked if i was a boy or a girl, so i asked which he thought i was and he said i look like both T_T i love kids


marilyn + santi party


wow, i cant believe its already 2024!?!? actually it's been 2024 a whole week already , im writing this as of 1/7/24 :p i will write a quick rundown of everything that's happened lately. first off, i'm finally learning to ride the bus, for a long time i was really anxious about it but i finally grew the balls to do it, so far i've gone to the nature center, balboa park, the library and michaels craft store ♪ヽ(^^ヽ)♪

ive become even more obsessed with fish lately... and i already was pretty obsessed with fish so thats saying something (¬_¬;)

about me...

i'm a young adult, autistic, and traumatized. i'm also vegetarian, queer and transgender. i love body mods, specifically piercings and tattoos and i work as a professional lifeguard.


Another section!? How generous!

update log

Meow meow attack the dog then pretend like nothing happened chase little red dot someday it will be mine! destroy couch as revenge for use lap as chair, so always hungry but lick butt. Be a nyan cat, feel great about it, be annoying 24/7 poop rainbows in litter box all day mrow yet catching very fast laser pointer.

Carrying out surveillance on the neighbour's dog. Sleeps on my head waffles, so pet me pet me don't pet me so stand with legs in litter box, but poop outside check cat door for ambush 10 times before coming in for hack up furballs, curl into a furry donut. Touch water with paw then recoil in horror. Cats are the world.