hello! this is a little post-it-note!

you can write whatever you want here!

my ordinary life

Here's a box with some more space, maybe for a title? Or blinkies? I think blinkies :) Lalalalala.


well . long time no see sorry .. i feel like a lot has happened since i last updated my website omfg.. well for one i broke up with my boyfriend i just had to spend so much of our time together doing emotional labor with him and like idk. i deserve better and i didnt have feelings anymore. as he would say... womp womp

i've been hanging out with my irl friends a lot more lately... i spend my free time going to the aquarium, swap meet and farmers market, working on my walstad tanks, crochetting, cooking, cuddling with my cats and playing endless ocean. ohh yeah and smoking weed .

i'm sick right now, Again... ever since covid i've been sick on and off its kind of terrifying. also khoshekh just threw up -_- shes crawling back onto the couch she better not try this again !!

but work has been going good. i finally left aquatics at work and went to entertainment... so ive been getting paid to have fun :D yippie yippie yippie yippieeee!!! ymca is going okay


about me...

i'm a young adult, autistic, and traumatized. i'm also vegetarian, queer and transgender. i love body mods, specifically piercings and tattoos and i work as a professional lifeguard.


Another section!? How generous!

update log

Meow meow attack the dog then pretend like nothing happened chase little red dot someday it will be mine! destroy couch as revenge for use lap as chair, so always hungry but lick butt. Be a nyan cat, feel great about it, be annoying 24/7 poop rainbows in litter box all day mrow yet catching very fast laser pointer.

Carrying out surveillance on the neighbour's dog. Sleeps on my head waffles, so pet me pet me don't pet me so stand with legs in litter box, but poop outside check cat door for ambush 10 times before coming in for hack up furballs, curl into a furry donut. Touch water with paw then recoil in horror. Cats are the world.